For the more proactive agency:

We want you to do it yourself.

This part of the site contains two resources which we’ll add to over time.

A slide deck that contains a load of useful pieces of context, text, frameworks, exercises, workshop plans and product development templates. They’re here for you to use for free and make progress on your own.

A spreadsheet for making financial projections for your agency under different offer and customer mix scenarios. Only download this if you like numbers!

The ask: If you do use these resources please let us know how it went so we can continue to improve.

And if you want to let us know, need help or want to work with us on what you discover please get in touch.

DIY materials for you to download

DIY Materials

An overview of the case for agency products and a set of materials to inspire your team into action.

DIY Materials

Workshop guides and meeting agendas you can use to get the debate going internally and start creating your own products using the thinking behind Create Agency Products.

DIY Materials

A calculator that will help you model the revenue uplift of moving to a more productised offer. It helps you understand the ROI of investing in the necessary promotion of your products.

 Get help to do it yourself using our ultra-lean XO range