Have an expert take an outside-in view of your agency.

  • Photo of Cat Totty

    Cat Totty: Brand Strategy Models and Process Expert

    In just a few days, get an objective 1000ft look at your models and processes. Prune, update - and maybe ditch - any that lose you money or create pain points.

    An Agency Health Check is a cathartic exercise that will improve your operating efficiency, team’s happiness and client outcomes.

    Acting on the results of the exercise will help you to walk the walk on 'customer-centricity' and confidently ask clients for feedback and referrals, because your agency offer will be in the best shape it's ever been.

    Cat has led over 30 brand strategy processes, talked at length with clients about what they really need, and checked in years later to see what they are still using. She teaches Brand Strategy for The Copy Club, and mentors and coaches Founders, CMOs and leaders.

    Contact: Cat Totty

    Email: catherine.totty@gmail.com